Thursday, February 20, 2014

And so it begins...

Two days ago, I was discussing my love of reading with a friend, and they asked how many books I think I read in a year. I gave this a lot of thought...I could not tell you the answer. Last year was a little crazy, being as how I lived on an island (Samoa) for the first half of the year, and didn't have access to a ton of books. And then I came to San Diego for grad school, and the amount of time I spent reading for pleasure dropped relative to the amount of school work I had. Even so, I read a lot of books last year. A lot. But I couldn't tell you exactly how many. So I's only February. I can remember the books I've read already this year. And from here on out, I can write a little bit about each book I read until December 31, 2014. Because obviously, grad school isn't enough work.

So, friend who asked me to keep track of every book I read in a year: Challenge accepted. I hereby invite one and all to read Amber's review of every single book she reads this year (not including schoolwork). I love to read all kind of books, so this should be an interesting blog. You might find Tolstoy followed by a Silhouette trashy romance. Because that's just how I roll.

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